Training Mission


For those who have reviewed our website previously and are familiar with our training topics, you will notice that we have re-structured our menu, revised the terminology of our offerings, and added new trainings to the menu.  This is in part due to the ongoing evolution of practice which demands constant review and improvement; it also reflects that Kevin Campbell and Seneca/NIPFC separated in 2018 after many years of collaboration. Although the term “family finding”[1] is now codified in every state, when you see language that encompasses this term, it is in reference to the legal requirements to identify, locate and notice relatives any many different stages of the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems.  We have thus removed the terms Family Finding from most of our language out of respect and deference to Kevin, the model author of Family Finding. 

We continue to teach some of the same practice that Kevin instituted many years ago (with his blessing) while adding our own collaborative practices and adaptations to further and enrichen the engagement of families so that they are more likely to participate and potentially drive the planning and decision making processes in child welfare, which has been determined to create better outcomes for children, youth and families than the legacy of solitary decision making by child welfare and juvenile justice professionals.

Our training is geared towards:

  • Creating and Sustaining Networks of support for children, youth, parents and their families[2], so that they no longer need professional/governmental intervention.

  • Recognizing that striving for legal permanency, without establishing relational permanency or a network of enduring support, is not “permanency” at all—too many young people return to government care as the result of failed guardianships and adoptions, which were labeled “permanent.”

  • Building the capacity of supervisors to effectively manage this different way of working.  We recognize that the role of supervisors is key to transforming the daily work with children, youth, parents, and families.

Finally, we fundamentally stress that the while the development of a consistently effective approach to engage and involve parents, family and connections is essential to positive outcomes, we also recognize that teams, programs, agencies and systems without alignment consistently create gaps, barriers and obstacles to successful outcomes that will thwart even the most effective engagement practice.  Therefore, inherent in all our offerings is a sharp focus as to the alignment within and between any system and the family being served, in recognition of the importance of this dynamic. 

Please review the menu items and feel free to contact us to see how we can adapt these offerings to meet the needs of your agency.  You can email the NIPFC Coordinator at to further inquire or schedule a conversation with us.

[1] “Family Finding” definition: Within 30 days after the removal of a child from the custody of the parent or parents of the child, the State shall exercise due diligence to identify and provide notice to all adult grandparents and other adult relatives of the child (including any other adult relatives suggested by the parents), subject to exceptions due to family or domestic violence…Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008

[2] “Family” or “Families” can include not only relatives, as defined by State Statute, but can also include important connections for the child and youth; non-related, extended family members and others who have a connection with the child or youth.